Monday, March 22, 2010
Team Standings - Step it up, USA!
The team standings as of today for the March Radness are:
Team USA: 22.3 million PTZ
Team International: 25.8 million PTZ
Come on, USA, we need to step it up! Make sure you are getting all the PTZ you can everyday. Click the button to get your login PTZ everyday, and then head over to the Dailies and answer the question of the day.
Most of your PTZ will come from the Play section. Head over to Play and make sure you watch each video to get your maximum PTZ!
Protip: Click on "All" to make sure you see all the videos.
Remember, March Radness ends on March 25, 2010 at 11:59 PM Eastern. Make sure you get all possible PTZ by then. If you are on Spring Break this week, you can use it to catch up on your Play videos!
What? You are not a member of Lockerz yet? Hurry up and join before your friends find out you have been living under a rock.
march radness,
spring break,
team international,
team usa